
« 1-2 T of Grandpa’s Meatball Mix

« 1 lb baby potatoes (we use the “teeny tiny” variety and still cut in half) 

« 1 tablespoon olive oil

« 1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

« 2 tablespoons butter cut into small cubes


  1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Clean and rinse the baby potatoes, drain and cut into halves.

  2. *Heat up an oven-safe skillet over a medium heat (cast-iron preferred) and add the olive oil. (If not oven safe you can transfer to a baking sheet after stovetop.) Add the potatoes and cook until the surface turns crispy. Turn over and cook until nicely browned.  

  3. Turn heat down to low and sprinkle 1-2 T of Grandpa’s Meatball Mix onto the potatoes and toss to coat. (Determine amount of mix you add by how much flavor you want.) Continue to cook while turning potatoes for 2 minutes. 

  4.  Turn off the heat and sprinkle the cheese on top of the potatoes. Transfer the skillet into the oven and roast for 15 minutes. Keep an eye on them so that the breadcrumbs don’t burn. 

  5. Add the butter cubes on top of potatoes, serve immediately. 

Recipe Notes

The “teeny tiny”potatoes are really small. If you have bigger potatoes, roast for 20 minutes or until cooked. 

*You may also roast the potatoes right away in the oven. Just combine the olive oil and potatoes and roast for 20-30 minutes until you can stick a fork in them. Next add the cheese and meatball mix and roast until cheese is melted-about 10 minutes. Lastly add the butter cubes and serve. 

Katie GundermanComment